
Showing posts from 2017
My new novel, The Lies We Are, is scheduled for publication in May 2018!  It continues the story of Sandi Beck as she gets involved in a client's search for her past in a Civil War era diary, and uncovers a secret that could lead to murder.

Thanks to all!

August has been a great month, both creatively and for book sales. Thanks to everyone who attended the Maryland book signing -- it was so nice to see so many people!  Thanks also to the Northern Neck Power and Sail squadron for inviting me to speak at their dinner, and to all the members who purchased a book. A special thanks to Chesapeake Bay Magazine for their flattering review of Kind Lies! I have passed the halfway point in writing the sequel, but I am also excited about some other projects, including a historical novel that is nearly complete and my new foray into short stories. Of course, I'm still writing articles --they pay the bills-- and thoroughly enjoyed the most recent interview for my Motorhome column. The more I write, the more grateful I am that I have the opportunity to be paid to do what I love!

Coming to Leonardtown for a Book Signing

I'm excited to be coming "home" to St. Mary's for a book signing at Fenwick Street Used Books and Music on August 4. First Friday festivities begin at 5 p.m., and there will be live music on the square as well. Please come out and say hi! I'd love to see some former students!
I started a new ad campaign and giveaway on Goodreads this week. What could be better than a free book?

Why widows and single women make good characters

Have you ever noticed that most Disney cartoon heroes or heroines lost their mothers? I think it is for the same reason that widows and single women make such interesting characters. Mothers and husbands tend to  protect--but that protection is a hindrance to the storyteller.
The second novel in the Lies series has a tentative title of Surface Lies . It is going to involve a Civil War diary that contains information that may threaten waterfront development in the 21st century, and of course Sandi will continue as the heroine. I am still working on the details, but I am thinking about posting some chapters as I write and soliciting feedback. Any thoughts?
It is interesting how characters take on a life of their own. When I envisioned Wayne Kremm, for example, I had this kind of stereotypical politically incorrect guy in mind. Then I started to  develop his back story in my mind, and suddenly he became a much more sympathetic character. I feel Sandi's fondness for him, and I could almost picture a future where the two might get together way down the line...or not.
Reading your own work after a few weeks or months is always a humbling experience. I wonder if anyone ever thinks that what they wrote is "good enough" or if you always see places it could be improved. Even when the story line is strong--and I think it is in Kind Lies --I re-read it this morning and thought of  a half-dozen additional chapters I could have added. It is a good thing I have #2 in the works!
I know we always hear that you can't judge a book by its cover, but as an author, the cover matters. It is the first thing you see, the one that will draw you in. I love that this cover captures the integral part the water plays in this story, and the peaceful harbor juxtaposed with the lightning fits so well with the tension between the two words in the title.

Getting Ready for the Book Launch

It's hard to believe my baby is going to make it into print! I am so grateful for the feedback and encouragement of the Rappatommac Writers and the support of my husband Eric. Now if I can just get past these butterflies in my stomach....